Sleep Running
The first 10 seconds of this represents what my dog Crash will do. The rest of this is just crazy.
Hanlon's Razor: Never attribute to malice that which can be adequately explained by stupidity.
For example, have you ever lit up a bong at a party? Were you worried that one of your friends would snap a photo of you, sell it to a tabloid for thousands of dollars and ruin your career?
Well become famous, and then try it
Suddenly every relationship is in doubt. Do they actually care about you? Or do they just want a seat on the Bling Train? Would they sell you out to get to your cash?
Attractive people live in a world where most feedback they get is bullshit. The compliments mean nothing--they've learned that's just the sound people make when they walk by. That's why studies show they tend to dismiss the genuine compliments they get in other areas (their work, personality, sense of humor, creativity) because it gets lumped in with the same counterfeit flattery they've been getting their whole lives.
Want to know what it's like to live life as a genius? All you have to do is go hang around with the stupidest, most incompetent people you know. Cringe at their stupid jokes, feel the frustration as they fumble even the easiest tasks and fail to grasp the simplest concepts. Being a genius must be like that, only everyday. Everyone is an idiot compared to them. They're living Idiocracy.
The thing is, it's the desire itself that's poisonous. You find that need for power most in the type of person who hates having to obey all of society's social contracts, particularly the ones that require them to not act like cocks all day. These are the people who are only nice guys because of fear of retribution if they do otherwise, so their main goal is to become strong enough that no retribution is possible (this is why sociopaths tend to seek positions of power, by the way).
Game | Interest | Release Date |
Civilization IV | 1 | |
C&C 3 | 1 | |
Company of Heroes | 1 | |
Half Life 2 | 1 | |
Half Life 2: Episode One | 1 | |
Supreme Commander | 1 | |
Call of Duty 2 | 2 | |
Darwinia | 2 | |
Dungeon Runners | 2 | |
Dungeon Siege II | 2 | |
Far Cry | 2 | |
Galactic Civilization II | 2 | |
Hitman: Blood Money | 2 | |
Jade Empire | 2 | |
Neverwinter Nights 2 | 2 | |
Prey | 2 | |
Psychonauts | 2 | |
Sam & Max: Episode 1 | 2 | |
Titan Quest | 2 | |
Dark Messiah Might and Magic | 3 | |
Defcon | 3 | |
Heroes of Might and Magic V | 3 | |
Indigo Prophecy | 3 | |
KOTOR II | 3 | |
LEGO Star Wars | 3 | |
Marvel Ultimate Alliance | 3 | |
Space Rangers 2: The Rise of the Dominators | 3 | |
STALKER: Shadow of Chernobyl | 3 | |
Stubbs the Zombie | 3 | |
War Front | 3 | |
Warhammer: Mark of Chaos | 3 | |
Infernal | 3 | 5/8/2007 |
Shadowrun | 2 | 5/9/07 |
Pirates of the Burning Sea | M | 6/1/2007 |
Enemy Territory: Quake Wars | ? | 6/5/2007 |
Two Worlds | ? | 6/26/07 |
Sins of A Solar Empire | ? | 8/1/2007 |
BioShock | 1 | 8/21/2007 |
Mass Effect | 1 | 9/7/07 |
Age of Conan | M | 10/30/07 |
Crysis | 1 | Fall 2007 |
Elveon | ? | Fall 2007 |
Half-Life 2: Episode Two | 1 | Fall 2007 |
Portals | 1 | Fall 2007 |
Spore | 1 | Fall 2007 |
Stranglehold | ? | Fall 2007 |
Tabula Rasa | M | Fall 2007 |
Team Fortress 2 | 2 | Fall 2007 |
Dragon Age | ? | Winter 2007 |
Fable 2 | ? | Winter 2007 |
Field Ops | ? | Winter 2007 |
Halo Wars | ? | Winter 2007 |
Gods & Heroes: Rome Rising | M | Winter 2007 |
Haze | ? | Winter 2007 |
Hellgate: London | 1 | Winter 2007 |
Huxley | M | Winter 2007 |
Kane & Lynch: Dead Men | ? | Winter 2007 |
Left 4 Dead | ? | Winter 2007 |
The Agency | M | Spring 2008 |
Empire Earth III | ? | Spring 2008 |
Guild Wars 2 | M | Spring 2008 |
Jericho | ? | Spring 2008 |
Sacred 2 | ? | Spring 2008 |
Savage 2 | ? | Spring 2008 |
Time Shift | 2 | Spring 2008 |
Universe at War: Earth Assault | 3 | Spring 2008 |
The Witcher | ? | Spring 2008 |
CellFactor | ? | 2008 |
Darkest of Days | ? | 2008 |
On The Rain-Slick Precipice of Darkeness: Episode 1 | 2 | 2008 |
Warhammer Online | M | 2008 |
Alliance: The Silent War | ? | ? |
Alone in the Dark | ? | ? |
Assassin's Creed | ? | ? |
BioWare MMO | ? | ? |
The Crossing | ? | ? |
Dungeon Hero | ? | ? |
Fallout 3 | ? | ? |
Lego Batman | ? | ? |
Mythos | ? | ? |
Overloard | ? | ? |
Space Seige | ? | ? |
Culdcept Saga | PC? | ? |
Gears of War | PC? | ? |
God of War | PC? | ? |
Beautiful Katamari | PC? | ? |
Okami | PC? | ? |
Resistance: Fall of Man | PC? | ? |
Odin's Sphere | PC? | ? |
Castle Crashers | PC? | ? |