I'm a big fan of everybody's favorite adolescent wizard. I've read all of his books, and seen all of his movies. I think I like the 4th book best and the 5th book least. That being said, this trailer makes me believe the 5th movie will blow that crap out of the previous four.
BOOOOOO it's baseball season. Still, funny things will happen with angry fans, beer, and pizza:
What primal instinct causes you to throw your pizza? Seriously, this is not a fight or flight situation. Just eat your pie! That's why it's called a PIE-HOLE!!
With yet another school shooting, the media is once again rabid to blame rock and ro... I mean video games for the violence. As a way of countering the madness, I'd like to point you all to this article at Kotaku.
It's a news clip of our favorite liar, Jack Thompson. The author of the article surrounding the news clip goes point by point through Jack's arguments and discredits them.
It's appropriate that the news clip is from Fox News.
A single frame advertisement for McDonald's popped up on the Food Network. Some might call that subliminal advertising, which is illegal in the US and Canada.
The Food Network claims it was a glitch, and I actually believe them this time. Back when James Vicary introduced the nation to subliminal advertising there was deluge of psychological test proving the methodology to be entirely ineffective.
However, a co-worker and I believe they have stumbled onto a very useful, if annoying tool. Basically this is an effective way to get Tivo users to watch a commercial. Just flash the screen and see who rewinds to find out what happened.
I'm ripping off the Least I Can Do blog post today, because it's too perfect. He and I share a love of the sugar bombs known as Cadbury eggs. I'm sure some of you share our feelings.
There are two parts to today's discovery, the Good News and the Bad News. Let's start with the Bad News:
Now, the Good News:
Look at the size of that damn thing! It's like a foot tall! And the best part is they give you step by step instructions on how to make your own!
Warning: Hyperosmolar nonketotic coma can result from the consumption of too much sugar. That's right kids, this egg can kill you.
The Supreme Court today slapped the Bush Administration for being stupid. Bush was making the claim that they, as in the Government, had no legal authority to limit carbon dioxide released from new cars sold in the United States.
The Supreme Court said the EPA, who already regulates a number of pollutants, does in fact have the authority. More importantly, the Court said the EPA has the responsibility to regulate pollutants.
The Court has now asked the EPA to provide scientific backing as to why CO2 is not being regulated. It's a promising step in the fight against Global Warming, but the Ignorant and the Greedy are far from defeated.
Wired pointed me in the direction of this old Viva PiƱata commercial. It's highly ridiculous, but it put a smile on my face. Bonus points if you recognize Arnold's quote.
While I'm posting ridiculous commercials, here's a little wildflowers for your pits.
Obviously American's love their vehicles. We enjoy the freedom to go where we want whenever we want. We desire to express our individuality in our choice of vehicles, and size does matter.
So really it was only a matter of time before this came along. It's a bumper, for your bumper.
Are we so afraid that our vehicle might get a scratch? Why not set up traffic cones around your car each time you park? Or perhaps hang a sign in the window that says "Key Me".
On The Rain-Slick Precipice of Darkeness: Episode 1
Warhammer Online
Alliance: The Silent War
Alone in the Dark
Assassin's Creed
BioWare MMO
The Crossing
Dungeon Hero
Fallout 3
Lego Batman
Space Seige
Culdcept Saga
Gears of War
God of War
Beautiful Katamari
Resistance: Fall of Man
Odin's Sphere
Castle Crashers
1 - I will buy it
2 - I'll buy it at discount
3 - Other people think it's good, but I wasn't interested when I first heard about it
M - Mainly Multiplayer. See if friends get interested.
? - Find out more about this game
PC? - Will it be released on the PC?