
Not the image you were expecting? Me neither. As it turns out the word Armageddon is a mondegreen. An accidental turn of a phrase. When Revelation refers to Armageddon it is actually referring to the above valley called Megiddo.
The valley plain of Megiddo is where the unholy trinity of the Dragon, the Beast, and the False Prophet will gather their armies for the second to last battle. This is the battle where the Beast and False Prophet are defeated. The Dragon is only caged for a thousand years, or the Millennium.
Anyway, the real final battle will occur at Jerusalem. The Dragon is finally defeated, but the battle destroys all of creation as well. Not to worry, a new earth is soon created. I wonder if the new creation will take the full 7 days, or if God will get it done sooner since he's done it before. Practice makes perfect.
God then creates a new holy city on Earth where he will live, because even God knows that Earth is the place to party.