Baby Buffalo's Day Out
The video is pretty long, so maybe you find it difficult to watch the whole thing. I'll help you out by providing CliffsNotes:
0:00 Tourists begin yammering - turn off sound
0:16 Lions discovered in path of water buffalos. Tourists discover the meaning of dramatic irony. (This is called installation according to Wiki)
1:04 Lions discover water buffalos. (Exploitation)
2:00 Water buffalos discover lions. (Resolution, this concludes today's English lesson)
2:09 Baby is tackled by a lion. Therapist bill just tripled.
2:11 Lion and Baby end up in the watering hole.
3:29 While dragging the Baby out of the water, a crocodile says, "Hmm, free meal!"
4:13 Lions win the gruesome tug of war contest. Points go to the crocodile for lasting so long against 6 lions.
4:33 Buffalo herd, thought to be long gone, returns in large numbers.
5:12 Buffalo charges lions, sends a couple running
5:48 Buffalo charges again, this time hooks a lion and sends it flying. Two more lions take off.
6:09 Turns out Baby is still alive! With only three lions guarding, Baby makes a bid for freedom.
6:24 Entire herd converges on lions which forces them to let Baby go!
7:04 Last lion is chased off.