I Read Stuff!!

Hanlon's Razor: Never attribute to malice that which can be adequately explained by stupidity.

Tuesday, August 01, 2006

Work, Work, Work

Hello Boys! Did you miss me?

My work weekend started when my brother-in-law showed up with a power washer to prep my fence for staining on Friday. However, the 220 plug did not fit into the 220 socket. I might have given up here, if not for my brother's deep seated desire to get electrocuted. I pulled the plug off of the dryer while my brother pulled the washer's plug apart. After screwing the wires together, the washer started right up. A few exposed wires never hurt anyone. It was a pretty good time. The back spray felt good in the heat, and with two of us it went pretty fast.

I woke up the next day at 7 am to go play racquetball. The rest of my in-laws had shown up at midnight, so I'm sure they would sleep in. Wrong. They were up at 6 ready to go. My wife sent them for donuts while I went and chased the blue ball. When I returned they had all ready replaced some carpet padding that had been missing. I guess they understood how much work was ahead of us.

We ran to Home Depot and picked up some stain. We also picked up some hand sprayers to do the actual staining. Yeah, they don't work. In fact, they really suck. A sprayer was brought from the far west, but we hesitated in using it. It was setup for paint, and stain is a lot thinner than paint.

We pulled it from the truck, but it didn't work. We had to pull all the valves, clean them, and oil them. We then primed the thing by pouring water directly into the pump housing. Oddly enough this worked. I cannot stress enough how much faster things went with the sprayer. It was amazing.

Meanwhile, back in house, a busted screen was replaced and quarter round fit to our bathroom. Food was prepared and we were all done about 3 in the afternoon.

We then ran to my brother-in-laws house to put in some carpet spacers and mop boards. I have to admit that I was starting to lag as an effective worker, but luckily my in-laws are a bit more focused.

Now that I'm back to work, I have an Alpha deadline looming. Apparently, the other pirates have discovered I've gone soft.


Anonymous Anonymous said...

You so are going to have to instruct Tom and me. Our attempt to stain the deck was a bloody mess!

8/02/2006 12:48 AM  
Blogger mattjustmull said...

lol, I don't know if I'm in the position to instruct, but I'll tell you what we did different.

8/02/2006 7:35 AM  

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